Blogs I like

Blogs I likePhoto by
By Hemerson Carlin
2 min read

List of my favorite tech blogs. For each blog below, I'm also sharing a specific blog post I like the most.

At some point, I found these blogs while browsing , so here's a honorable mention to YCombinator 🙌🏼.

Tech company blogs

I also like to follow what other Tech companies are blogging about. And so the following list is also a great source of information for me.

For all of the above, I use to organise my feeds.

I hope that's helpful and interesting to you. 👋🏼

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Hemerson Carlin, also known as mersocarlin, is passionate and resourceful full-stack Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience focused on agile development, architecture and team building.

This is the space to share the things he likes, a couple of ideas and some of his work.

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